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منتدى أصدقاء prof3laa
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جوجل .


 Kazem El Saher Songs in English

اذهب الى الأسفل 
4 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير. العام
المدير. العام

عدد المساهمات : 12134
نقاط المساهمات : 13423
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Kazem El Saher Songs in English Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Kazem El Saher Songs in English   Kazem El Saher Songs in English Emptyالأحد 09 أكتوبر 2011, 8:06 pm

Kazem El Saher Songs in English

اغنية اختاري - اني خيرتكي

Choose - I have told you to choose

I have told you to choose so choose

Between death upon my chest

Or on top of my notebooks of poetry

Choose love, or no love

For it is cowardice for you to not choose

There is no middle ground

Between heaven and hell

Throw in all your cards

And I will be satisfied with any decision

Tell me, be passionate, explode

Don't stand like a nail

It is not possible for me to remain forever

Like straw beneath the rains

Choose a fate between two

And nothing is more violent than my fates

You're exhausted and scared

And my journey is very long

Sink in the sea, or go away

There is no sea without whirlpools

Love is a big opponent

Sailing against the current

Crucifixion, torture and tears

And an exodus between the moons

Your cowardice is killing me woman!

Pull back the curtain

I do not believe in love

That does not bear the rashness of agitation

That does not break down all walls

That does not strike like a whirlwind

Ah, If your love swallows me

Pluck me out like a whirlwind

I have told you to choose so choose

Between death upon my chest

Or on top of my notebooks of poetry

Choose love, or no love

For it is cowardice for you to not choose

There is no middle ground

Between heaven and hell

صباحكي سكر

translated "SabaaHuki sukar" as "good morning" because this is the
meaning it conveys, but this is not a very literal translation. The
normal way of saying good morning is "SabaaH al-kheer." "SabaaHuki
sukar" literally translates as "your morning is sugar" or "may your
morning be sugar" "i.e. "may your morning be sweet."

May your morning be sweet

If a day ever passes and I don't remember to tell you good morning... good morning

If a day ever passes and I don't remember to tell you good morning

Don't be saddened by my absentmindedness and silence

And don't suppose that something has changed

Because when I don't say "I love"

That just means that I love you more (than the word love can express)

If you had not been sitting in front of me like a queen of perfume and alabaster for a long time

And I closed my eyes amidst your fragrances

I ignored the complaints of the perfumed shirt (this means if he fell
asleep while she was complaining about something i think)

Don't describe me as having dead feelings

And don't suppose that my heart has turned to stone

I love you beyond "love" but

Let me see you just as I imagine

واني احبك

I love You

I love you, but I fear my implication in you, my attachment to you and my oneness with you.

Experience taught me to avoid falling in love with women and the chopping waves of the seas. But I still love you

Let me fill in for you a cup of tea, you are legendarily beautiful this morning .

me translate to you some of what the seats are saying to welcome you.
Let me put in words what the cups are thinking of your lips.

you like the tea? You still make do with one piece of sugar like you
used to? But for me, I make do with looking at your face which needs no

Let me say to you in all languages, those you know and those you don't know, I love no one but you.

Let me look for words that can tell how much I love you.

Let me think, miss, cry and laugh on your behalf. Let me shorten the distance between imagination and reality to nothing.

Let me call your name with all vocatives. Let me sing your name for you to be born in my lips.

Let me build a kingdom of love for you and crown you its queen, and I be its greatest lover.


I Witness

I witness no other woman could ever play it right but you.
No other woman would stand my stupidity for ten years like you did.

No other woman would stand my madness like you did.
other woman could clip my nails, organize my notebooks and admit me
into the kindergarten, but you are the only one who could.

I witness no other woman could ever play it right but you.
No other woman would stand my stupidity for ten years like you did.

And at time of intimacy, this woman sweeps me off like an earthquake.
And at time of intimacy, this woman sweeps me off like an earthquake.

She inflames me, drowns me, ignites me, burns me out and cuts me into half like a crescent.
She inflames me, drowns me, ignites me, burns me out and cuts me into half like a crescent.

She has occupied me the longest occupation and the loveliest occupation.

No one but you… No one but you…. No one but you.

I witness no other woman could ever play it right but you.
No other woman would stand my stupidity for ten years like you did.

You are the woman who gave me love in a very civilized way.
You are the woman who gave me love in a very civilized way.

And when you speak with me, it is as if the sound of a lyre playing.
And when you speak with me, it is as if the sound of a lyre playing.

She soars like a white dove in my mind when I think. And she flies out of my bag when I travel.
She soars like a white dove in my mind when I think. And she flies out of my bag when I travel.

She wraps me like a coat she would wrap herself with in Summer and Winter.
She wraps me like a coat she would wrap herself with in summer and winter.

You are transparent, acute, just and beautiful.
You are delicious, gorgeous, and an ever-young-woman.

I witness you are a woman around her waist all ages come together and thousands of planets orbit.

I witness no woman but you my love, on her arms, the first man and the last one was looked after.

خليتك انت الحكم

I Made You the Arbiter

Sad and alone, torn asunder, your nerves destroyed;
Don’t hold this sadness in your breast; talk to us. We are your friends.

I made you the arbiter who decides – as you said – justly.
I considered you a friend, beloved; someone who treats me as I treat him.
I never imagined you would take advantage of me, or increase the load I must bear.
This is my fault. I left your rope too slack.

I’ve wiped away and forgiven what has passed … and forgiven you your sins.
I’m beyond the limits of patience, and you still haven’t changed your style.
My brother, your heart is a rock; you _____ the ones you love.
By God, focus on yourself; I’ve been slaughtered by your hand.

How many days have passed! Why do you stubbornly persist?
Your cruelty smothers my breast; it makes life impossible.
You see me ignoring you; when exactly are you planning to make it up to me?
By God, focus on yourself; I’ve been slaughtered by your hand.

سلام عليك على رافديك

Peace be upon you Iraq

Peace be upon you

Upon your two rivers

of values (The word Iraq in Arabic is related to the words for roots
and veins. I'm keeping it as Iraq in the translation but know there is a
sort of double meaning going on)

You are a sanctuary, fortress and home to all nations

I pray on your behalf all the time
And wipe away from you the worries of time

My beloved, why do I see you sad?
As this pain squeezes your heart

Here glory led the way, prayed and fasted
Pilgrimaged and toured paradise (Dar el-Salaam means paradise or heaven but it is also an epithet of Iraq)
Baghdad wrote the glory of the greats
And the inkwell never went dry

Peace to the lade where presents and perfume flow
Nurtured by the blood of the martyrs
Like Hussein and those of Karbala
They went to the glory (of god) tongue and mouth (? meaning standing up for what they believe i dunno ?)

The Iraq of science and river of literature will remain a heritage for all Arabs
And remain a mother and father for glory
And a garland of love for the good of the nations

؟؟؟ and Babel
The covenant of belonging
To the cradle of civilization and the prophets
Honored with the name of the Lord of Heavan
To remain more glorious and precious knowledge

اجلس في المقهى

Cheb Mami and Kathim el-Saher - I'm Sitting in a Coffee House

Cheb Mami and Kathim el-Saher

Cheb Mami:
Hey man, this lady drives me crazy

Kathim el-Saher:
I'm attracted to this lady

Why do you know her? She's mine

Yeaaah by great God we must know her

Kathim she's mine all mine

Mami, mami she's mine

I sit in a coffee house waiting for my pretty lady to come
I sit in a coffee house waiting for my pretty lady to come
I flip through the daily pages and do infantile things
I'm sitting in a coffee house, sitting in a coffee house waiting

I flip through the daily pages and do infantile things
I sit in a coffee house, sit in a coffee house waiting
Would she be pleased to marry me?
Would my pretty lady be pleased?
My horoscope tells me about my day
My constellation rises with love and hope
It tells me of five dangers that will come to me in my honeymoon
I sit in a coffee house, sit in a coffee house waiting

I flip through the daily pages and do infantile things
I sit in a coffee house, sit in a coffee house waiting
In the horoscopes section I search for the constellation of love
Help me constellation of love
Reassure me oh constellation of love
Will my pretty lady come?

In the horoscopes section I search for the constellation of love
Help me constellation of love
Reassure me oh constellation of love
Will my pretty lady come?

Repetition of lines

End dialogue

Mami, it's better we stay single

By God you're right love is torture



What is the secret my darling?
What is the secret my darling?
What is the secret oh our paradise?
What is the secret oh jewel of our days?
What is the secret the more your blossoms harmonize
What is the secret the more your blossoms harmonize
Your tyrant rains with the thorns and mines
What's the secret?
What's the secret?
What's the secret?
My darling

The secret, our Beirut
Because you are love, because you are life
Because you are the noble one of our dreams

By God oh capital of blossoms and pidgeons
By God oh capital of blossoms and pidgeons
If you don't return to freedom there will be no life in the east and no peace
If you don't return to freedom there will be no life in the east and no peace

Beirut, Beirut, Beirut
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مشرف منتدى الاخبار
مشرف منتدى الاخبار

عدد المساهمات : 4470
نقاط المساهمات : 3873
الجنس : ذكر
قائمه الاوسمه : Kazem El Saher Songs in English Cnp79710


Kazem El Saher Songs in English Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Kazem El Saher Songs in English   Kazem El Saher Songs in English Emptyالإثنين 10 أكتوبر 2011, 10:22 pm

شكرا علي الموضوع
ومنتظرين عشاق كاظم الساهر يقولوا رايهم
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مشرف قسم الترحيب

عدد المساهمات : 5656
نقاط المساهمات : 5503
الجنس : انثى
العمل/الترفيه : غيرت الاختصاص
قائمه الاوسمه : Kazem El Saher Songs in English Shbanb10

Kazem El Saher Songs in English Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Kazem El Saher Songs in English   Kazem El Saher Songs in English Emptyالإثنين 10 أكتوبر 2011, 10:27 pm

The secret, our Beirut

Because you are love, because you are life

Because you are the noble one of our dreams

the song and the words is nice

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
احمد ابوطارق
عضو متقدم
عضو متقدم
احمد ابوطارق

عدد المساهمات : 2902
نقاط المساهمات : 2291
الجنس : ذكر
العمل/الترفيه : فنان بدار الاوبرا المصريه
قائمه الاوسمه : Kazem El Saher Songs in English K9825grg3puildrftfg3
Kazem El Saher Songs in English 1000

Kazem El Saher Songs in English Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Kazem El Saher Songs in English   Kazem El Saher Songs in English Emptyالثلاثاء 11 أكتوبر 2011, 1:35 am

الصديق الغالى

بروف علاء

مجهود رائع وآفكار جميلة

تحية تقدير لكل ماتقوم به من آجل تقديم

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Kazem El Saher Songs in English
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